Policy on Exclusion of Antisocial Forces and Organizations
We are aware of our corporate social responsibility, and in order to ensure sustainable development, we shall promote initiatives to eliminate any relationship with antisocial forces. In addition to striving to ensure the effectiveness of such efforts, we have established and shall comply with the following basic policies.
1. Organizational response
We, as an organization, will take a resolute stand against antisocial forces.
2. Severing all relationships, including business transactions
We shall not have any transactions with antisocial forces. If it is discovered that a person with whom we already have transactions is an antisocial force, we will promptly take appropriate measures to dissolve the transactions.
3. Co-operation with external professional organizations
In order to prevent damage caused by antisocial forces, the Company shall co-operate with external professional organizations such as the police, lawyers and respond to such forces in a systematic and appropriate manner.
4. Civil and criminal legal response to emergencies
We will not accept any unreasonable demands from antisocial forces and will take resolute legal action.
5. Prohibition of backroom deals and funding
We will never provide funds or engage in backroom deals with antisocial forces for any reason.
6. Prevention of problems
Each and every employee of the Company shall strive to prevent any trouble by ensuring that misconduct is prevented and that all relevant laws and regulations are adhered to.